Saturday, March 23, 2013

James Is Not Working Out

James, our current mascot in the green is not working out. We need another Owl. We need someone with a talented hand and a desire for an $10.00 Gift Certificate to Target or Starbucks Or A reasonably large chained establishment. It will be your choice if we choose your picture you have get the gift card, we will gladly name the owl after you/or you may choose a fitting name.
All submitted drawings will be posted if you approve and you will be acknowledged for your help in the movement.

Please help spread the word. We have done well outside the use of social media sites and such. We now realize the importance of them.

Thank you and we look forward to your submissions.

You can sumbit them on this page or to our email at

"Be An Owl"
Already we have our first contestant. Introducing what appears to be Owl-Jeggings? Thank you so much for submitting C2Rose. We love her and welcome her to the family. If she becomes the new mascot you get the Gift Card. Wooooo Hooooooo!

Sincere Thanks From the Entire Home Nest!!!

Monday, March 11, 2013

"Earning Your Wings: A How To Guide For Owl-ling." made it. Thank you for your interest in promoting a greater good into the world.
Sometimes the smallest and seemingly feeble acts of good add up to some of the biggest rewards. So, this is how you start earning your wings.

I've included sample pictures to give you an idea of how it is created.

The supplies you need will be up to you. The theme has to remain with Owls, obviously. I chose sticker owls to place on the card. You may want to draw one, if you are expressive in that way. Or you can cut an owl out of something else, say an Eddie Bauer catalog. Ha. This is really an opportunity to be creative. If you have kids get them involved.

You will need a card. This can be any  category of card you desire or just one you have left over from the Easter of 1998 when you thought you were punishing your parents by withholding the card because they grounded you the previous weekend for breaking the dishwasher by using regular dish me?....Hmmm okay either way you need a card. I prefer buying bulk ones because they are cheaper and I send a ton out every month.

"The Owls" are certainly our mascot but their original purpose was to cover up something typed in the card that didn't seem right sending to a stranger like, "Love", or , "Sorry For Your Loss." That is why there is always one inside the card---its standard for me to do that now. Then to cover up the price or manufacturer of the card I placed an owl on the back as well. This led to the most banal, sardonic cliche of wordplay I have ever been ashamed of......."Hooo Sent This?" was the caption above the sticker. Below it I wrote "Your Turn". I included a small website to my blog or twitter at the time.

Finally you load up your envelope with two or three Owls and a blank card and seal it. You can be creative here as well. Sometimes I use a sticker to seal it or write an interesting fact along the seam that no one really cares to know about.

Go to your white pages and randomly select your Owlet. Be careful when choosing a person. Just a few days ago I started one for a young woman and I was only given a partial address so I began to research her online. Turns out she had just died the week before. Could you imagine sending a card full of encouragements, compliments and your best, "Keep up the good work", line to someone they just died. So, always do a little research.
Most Important Things to remember.............
*Always use Owls
*Write the website to either this blog or twitter somewhere visible.
*Only Positive things go inside the card.Encouragements, General Compliments, Jokes. Nothing negative. Avoid negative words we use every day such as, "No, Cannot, and Don't," Even if you use these words in a sentence that ultimately is positive the words still have an effect. It is one of the first things you are taught when learning to write Affirmations or creating Vision Boards.
*The return address name should always be, "The Owl Movement", and the street can be whatever number you feel appropriate but always use Treetops as the street. The rest is up to you. 
*Finally, NEVER reveal yourself. Never use your real name and most certainly not your address. Its great giving anonymously but the main point is your safety. Some people don't like Owls, I think they are called Owl Killers or something. 

Try to take pictures or your creations and they will all get posted on this site. We can make this something huge. I know I will be apart of it and I want you to be there as well.
Here are a few terms we here at The Owl Movement like to use but we welcome suggestions.

"Be An Owl" , is our slogan for encouraging others to start the trend.
"Owl-ling", refers to the act or being an owl i.e. your cards, creativity.
"Owlet", is your random receiver with the potential of becoming an Owl.
"Owl Nest", are the rewards we issue for certain achievements during promotions. Usually our owl nests come with bulk cards, owl stickers, stamps, and one of those rubber "causes" bracelets with various sayings.
We hope that as this movement gains momentum we are able to offer more in exchange for such an easy and fun philanthropic endeavor.


The Owl Movement Team

"The Owl Movement And What We Are About"

Thank you for taking the time to see what “The Owl Movement” is all about.
Also, feel free to get an idea of what an Owl-ling looks like by visiting "Give A Hoot" or follow us on Twitter and become an Owl yourself at "The Owl Movement"
 Not too long ago I found some random “Thank You” cards laying around the house and I had an urge to get back to basic communication by putting pen to paper.  Only having close friends and family members to mail to I felt odd in sending someone I see every day a card.  I also did not have much to say.
I then decided to just start writing as if I was writing a friend in another country that is doing well in life with a family and successful career. I kept it all very general and added a few of my own personal quotes and real life encouragements. To cover up the “Best Friends Forever” type inside the card I found a few cartoon owl stickers in a kitchen drawer. I placed one over the price on the back of the card as well and decided to give a trite pun caption from the Owl saying ” Hooo Sent This?” I then thought why not enclose another card with three more stickers and write below the owl “Your Turn”. So I did and then I sealed the card up.  Next I had to find someone to mail the card to and so I consulted the internet. I typed in the name Rachel (after my little sister that passed away not too long ago) and then just picked a last name.
I filled the card out to the address and wanted to remain anonymous but not in a creepy way. So, in the return section I wrote…
The Owls
222 Treetops Way
Savannah, Ga
Once again all random.
I can’t even tell count how many of these cards I have sent out. There is no way of knowing how many sent cards after me and so on.  Its fun and feels awesome just sending good thoughts to strangers in the world that could be having a bad day. I know I cheer up anytime I get any card in the mail, let alone one full of praises.
I simply want your help in making this movement so much greater than what it is so far.
I am one man with a few friends trying to be apart of something more in this world.
I welcome any suggestions and any advice on growing this movement.
Eventually I want people posting pictures if they get Owled.